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Webinar State-Mandated Retirement Plans

State-Mandated Retirement Plans.
What’s next for Michigan small businesses?
Wednesday, June 19th
11:00 am – 11:30 am

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Pooled Employer Retirement Plan

Envision A Different Kind Of Retirement Solution

sam了解小企业不喜欢401(k)计划的原因——成本, the time and really not understanding their fiduciary responsibilities.  《玛雅吧2APP》现在允许所有行业和规模的雇主联合起来创建一种新型的退休计划:联合雇主计划(PEP)。. 雇主现在可以参加个人退休计划,而不是赞助传统的401(k)计划.

The SBAM Pooled Employer Retirement Plan powered by TAG Resources, Transamerica, 而格雷斯通咨询公司解决了小企业在提供退休计划时面临的挑战. SBAM PEP具有成本效益,并将管理和责任外包,以降低您的信托风险.

Request a proposal.

Consider converting from a SIMPLE IRA

从简单个人退休账户转换到SBAM联合雇主退休计划(SBAM PEP)有很多好处,包括更高的供款金额, tax advantages, potential cost savings and flexibility in plan features.

如果你的公司已经超出了SIMPLE IRA计划的规模,那么切换到401(k)计划是很容易的.  然而, 你现在就要开始和你的财务顾问讨论这个过程,以遵循正确的过程.

Contact us and we’ll get you in touch with our partner, Transamerica, 讨论“联合雇主退休计划”相对于“简易个人退休帐户”的优势,以及转换的步骤.

The Secure 2.0 Act was signed into law on December 29th, 2022, as part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023.  这项立法的目的是让企业更容易提供退休计划,让个人更容易为退休储蓄.
Click to learn more. 

SBAM Members Receive Special Savings & Benefits

We’ve negotiated exclusive savings for our members including:

  • Start up plans may be eligible for up to $5,000 tax credit to cover the TAG annual administrative fee (for 3 years).
  • 如果企业建立了自动登记的退休计划,三年里每年可额外获得500美元的抵免.
  • No initial set up fees.

You must be an SBAM Basic, 溢价, VIP or Elite member to enroll in the SBAM Pooled Employer Retirement Plan.

Request a proposal.
female student at desk

Our Industry-Leading Partners Behind The Solution.

As a pioneer in pooled-plan solutions, Transamerica will equip our small business members with the tools, resources, and professional support to help your employees pursue a healthier, more secure future. 他们拥有超过85年帮助人们为退休做准备的经验,是最受认可的机构之一, trusted names in financial services.

For over 35 years, Graystone Consulting – Farmington Hills, a business of Morgan Stanley 是否为机构投资者提供了富有洞察力的解决方案和一流的服务, small business owners, and corporate leaders. 本集团为我们的退休计划管理提供先进的资源和信托服务,并帮助我们的玛雅吧官网成员将他们的公司纳入他们的退休和财富转移计划.

TAG Resources SBAM是否集合雇主退休计划管理人及指定受托人. 他们的工作是执行所有必要的功能,以保持您的计划符合要求,并负责您的计划的日常操作.  As the largest end-to-end retirement plan provider in the US, TAG是全国公认的开拓独特的汇集退休计划, 以一种服务模式将退休计划捆绑在一起,这种模式以前只适用于非常大的公司.

Click for more information.

Let’s Break it Down

Understanding Pooled Employer Plans (PEPs)

pep允许来自不相关行业的雇主加入一个联合计划安排,从而扩大了所有工人参加退休计划的机会. 对采用该技术的雇主的好处包括提高管理效率, reduced fiduciary risk, and potential cost savings.

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Five Pillars of an Employer Retirement Plan

TAG是您公司的401(k)支持团队,因此您不必充当退休专家. TAG acts as a buffer between the Plan Sponsor and the DOL and IRS, and works to keep each plan in compliance with all applicable laws.

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Remove Your Financial Liability

TAG承担最高水平的信托责任,作为SBAM联合雇主退休计划解决方案的指定受托人. 这使得TAG对运营和投资监督负责.

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Are You Shouldering Too Much Responsibility in Your Retirement Plan?

作为一个小企业主,除了管理和发展你的业务,你还有很多事情要做. 你知道为员工提供退休计划帮助他们为未来储蓄是很重要的. 你也知道一个高质量的退休计划可以帮助你吸引和留住有价值的人才.

Click for complete article.

Retirement’s Impact on Small Businesses

Retirement plans are an essential business strategy for attracting talent, controlling costs, and securing employees’ financial future.

许多为退休储蓄的美国人都是通过雇主赞助的401(k)计划来存钱的. But nearly half the U.S. workforce (47.3%)可能会错过一个重要的工具,以确保他们的金融未来.

Click for complete article.


12月20日,《玛雅吧2APP》签署成为法律, 2019 as part of the year-end spending bill. 随着退休人员寿命的延长,《玛雅吧2APP》努力提高401(k)计划和个人退休账户的福利. 它还帮助合格雇主计划为员工提供福利.

Click for complete article.